
私たちのサイトアドレスは https://fox-walk.com です。


当サイトで取り扱う個人情報について、法令、「電気通信事業における個人情報保護に関するガイドライン」及び 社内諸規定を遵守したうえ、これを適切に管理、保護し、安心できる個人情報保護体制の運用・向上を目的として、プライバシーポリシーを 以下のように定めます


お客様の個人情報の取得、利用その他一切の取り扱いについて、個人情報の保護に関する法律、 通信の秘密に係る電気通信事業法の規定その他の関連法令、電気通信事業における個人情報保護に関するガイドライン (以下、「ガイドライン」)及びこのプライバシーポリシーを遵守します。



また、お客様から契約書等の書面に記載された個人情報を直接取得する場合は、予めお客様に対して利用目的を明示します。 利用目的については、各サービスの所定のページをご覧下さい。


当サイトは、お問い合わせに対する回答や必要な情報を電子メールなどでご連絡する場合に利用させていただくものであり、これらの目的以外では利用いたしません。 但し、ガイドライン第6条第3項各号の一に該当する場合は、予め特定し公表した利用目的の達成に必要な範囲を超えて お客様の個人情報を取り扱うことがあります。


当サイトでは、法令で別段の定めがある場合を除き、利用目的に必要な範囲内でお客様の個人情報の保存期間を定め、 保存期間経過後又は利用目的達成後はお客様の個人情報を遅滞なく消去いたします。 但し、ガイドライン第10条第2項各号の一に該当する場合はこの限りではありません。


当サイトではお客様の個人情報を正確かつ最新の内容に保つよう努めるとともに、不正なアクセス、改ざん、漏えい、減失及び毀損から保護するため、 必要かつ適切な安全管理措置を講じます。


当サイトは、お客様の個人情報の安全管理が図られるよう従業者に対する必要かつ適切な監督をします。 また、従業者に対して個人情報の適正な取り扱いの確保のために必要な教育研修を実施します。


当サイトは、お客様の個人情報の取り扱いの全部又は一部を利用目的の範囲内で第三者に委託する場合があります。 委託先の選定にあたっては、委託先が個人情報を適正に取り扱っていることを確認し、お客様の個人情報の適正な取り扱いを求めます。 また、当該契約には個人情報の取り扱いの監査に関する項目を含めるなど委託先に対して必要且つ適切な監督を行います。


当サイトは、ガイドライン第15条第1項各号に掲げる場合、及び法令に別段の定めがある場合を除き、お客様の同意を得ないで、 第三者にお客様の個人情報を提供することはありません。


当該個人情報の提供を受ける者がガイドライン第15条第4項各号の一に該当する場合、当サイトは、当該個人情報の提供を受ける者が 「第三者」に該当しないものとして取り扱い、お客様の同意を得ないで、お客様の個人情報の取り扱いを第三者に委託することがあります。




当サイトは、個人情報の取り扱いに関するお客様からの苦情その他お問い合わせについて迅速かつ適切に対応いたします。 苦情その他のお問い合わせ窓口は、各サービスの所定のページに掲載致します。




当サイトは、個人情報保護に関する内部規定の整備、従業者教育及び内部監査の実施などを通じて、 社内における個人情報の取り扱いについて継続的な改善に努めます。



Cookieを無効にする方法やGoogleアドセンスに関する詳細は「広告 – ポリシーと規約 – Google」をご確認ください。





当ブログへのコメントを残す際に、IP アドレスを収集しています。









このサイトの投稿には埋め込みコンテンツ (動画、画像、投稿など) が含まれます。他サイトからの埋め込みコンテンツは、訪問者がそのサイトを訪れた場合とまったく同じように振る舞います。

これらのサイトは、あなたのデータの収集、Cookie の使用、サードパーティによる追加トラッキングの埋め込み、埋め込みコンテンツとのやりとりの監視を行うことがあります。アカウントを使ってそのサイトにログイン中の場合、埋め込みコンテンツとのやりとりのトラッキングも含まれます。



このサイトに登録したユーザーがいる場合、その方がユーザープロフィールページで提供した個人情報を保存します。すべてのユーザーは自分の個人情報を表示、編集、削除することができます (ただしユーザー名は変更することができません)。サイト管理者もそれらの情報を表示、編集できます。


このサイトのアカウントを持っているか、サイトにコメントを残したことがある場合、私たちが保持するあなたについての個人データ (提供したすべてのデータを含む) をエクスポートファイルとして受け取るリクエストを行うことができます。また、個人データの消去リクエストを行うこともできます。これには、管理、法律、セキュリティ目的のために保持する義務があるデータは含まれません。







Fox-walk Photo

About advertisements posted on this site

On this site, we use a third-party advertisement service (Google Adsense, A8.net, Amazon Associate [afb] partner support).
In order to display advertisements of products and services according to the interests of users, such advertisement distribution businesses include information “Cookie” (name, address, e-mail address, telephone number) related to access to this site and other sites We do not use it) may be used.
For more information about Google Adsense, please click here for details of this process and how to prevent such information from being used by ad serving companies.
About the access analysis tool used by this site
On this site, we use “Google Analytics” access analysis tool by Google.
This Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data.
This traffic data is collected anonymously, it does not identify individuals.
Since this function can refuse collecting by invalidating cookie, please confirm the setting of your browser.
For more information on this contract, click here, or click here.
About comments to this site
On this site, as the response to spam / vandalism, the IP address used for comment is recorded.
This is a function supported as a standard feature of blogs, it will not use this IP address besides addressing spam / vandalism.
Also, regarding the input of e-mail address and URL, it is optional.
Please be forewarned that all comments will be posted after Foxwalk Photo (HABECHI) who is the manager confirms the content in advance and approves it.
In addition, comments including the contents listed in each of the following items will not be approved at the discretion of the manager and may be deleted.
Slander and slander certain natural or legal entities.
Including extremely obscene content.
Things related to transactions of forbidden items, requests for actions that harm others, laws, prohibited goods, requests relating to acts and mediation etc.
Others that are found to be contrary to public order and morals or not to be approved by administrator.
When moved from this site to another site by link, banner, etc, we are not responsible for any information or services provided at the visited site.
Data administrator and contact information
When you use this website, when purchasing products / services of this site, Foxwalk Photo is responsible for data management of personal information collected by our company when subscribing to the newsletter. For questions or inquiries concerning the privacy policy, please contact the above operator (responsible: HABECHI).
Personal data definition, collection method and purpose
Personal data is any information that can directly or indirectly identify a specific individual. On this site, we collect customer’s personal data in the following three situations.
1. When you visit this website
– We will store and process information on the usage status of your website. The aim is to improve customer satisfaction.
2. When subscribing to the newsletter, when using the inquiry form
– This site will store and process your surname and name, e-mail, country, additional information (address, contacted content etc) that you choose to provide to us. In addition, this site also stores information on your newsletter usage status (such as read / unread). The aim is to improve customer service.
3. When you purchase goods and services
– We will store and process your IP address, surname and name, delivery address, e-mail, mobile phone number. If you have an account, purchase history is also saved and processed. For corporate customers, we also save company name and organization number. The objective is to sell and deliver products to customers, improve customer service, and sell and provide educational services.
How to use personal data
This site uses personal data collected for the following purposes.
Sending important notices concerning the services purchased, conditions of use of this site, policy changes, etc.
Send newsletter, campaign information, and other news on this site’s new service, upcoming events. If you do not want to register on our mailing list, you can opt out just by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the newsletter.
Processing of personal data is necessary for the customer to fulfill the contractual obligations as customers and members of this site and to receive the benefits stipulated by the terms of use of this site. If there is a leak or mistake in personal information, this site can not provide membership, subscription or products and services to customers. Also, as this site has legitimate commercial interest in marketing our products and services to customers and potential customers, we may process personal data for marketing purposes. In the event that this site has a legal obligation to process your personal data, such as for accounting purposes, we will process personal data in compliance with such obligations.
Disclosure to third parties
We may disclose and share specific personal data to strategic partners working with this site in order to provide or improve the services of this site and to support marketing to customers. For third-party marketing purposes, we will not provide personal data to third parties.
Our services providers (information processing, order fulfillment, product delivery, customer information management and strengthening, customer service provision, customer interest assessment on our products and services, accounting, customer survey or satisfaction survey A company that provides services such as implementation, etc.) to disclose and share personal data. The company is obliged to protect your personal data in accordance with the data processing contract.
We may need to disclose your personal data at laws or lawsuits or requests from public and government agencies inside and outside of your country of residence. In addition, we may disclose your personal information as necessary due to national security, law enforcement, or other public issues of high nature. Upon reorganization, merger, or sale, subject to the same purpose and use conditions as the contents prescribed in this Privacy Policy, all personal data acquired will be sent to relevant third parties It may be transferred.
Posts on this site include embedded content (videos, images, posts, etc.). Embedded content from other sites behaves in exactly the same way as a visitor visits the site.
These sites collect your data, use cookies, embed additional tracking by third parties, and monitor interactions with embedded content with you. Including tracking of interactions with embedded content if you are logged in to that site using your account.
In this blog, advertisements of interest are delivered according to the situation of other sites (site with Adsense advertisement, YouTube) that users view using advertisement service by third party delivery. Therefore, we may use information about access to this site and other sites (name, address, mail address, telephone number are not included). Please see https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/113771? Ref_topic = 23402 & rd = 2 for details on this process.
About how to not use information about access to this site and other sites (name, address, mail address, telephone number is not included)
Please click https://www.google.com/settings/u/0/ads/authenticated?hl=en and change the setting. (English site) For details, please see the official privacy policy of Adsense advertisement.
Protection of personal data
Take preventive measures (administrative, technical and physical measures) to protect your personal data in order to prevent leakage, theft, and misuse, as well as unauthorized access, fraud disclosure, tampering, and dishonesty It is.
When you use this site product, service or application, or submit it to SNS etc of this site, the personal data provided by you will be displayed to other users and read, collected or used by that user It may be done. In such circumstances, the customer is responsible for personal data that the customer chooses to send. For example, if you post your name and email address on a forum post, that information will be in the open state. Before using the Web function, please take this into consideration and provide your own information.
Customer’s rights
On this site, we are making efforts to keep your personal data accurate, complete, and up to date. You may request us to restrict personal information correction, deletion or handling. We will restrict the correction, deletion, or handling of the personal information when the prescribed conditions are satisfied. When we are requested to disclose personal information from himself / herself, we will disclose the handling situation in addition to the personal information you provided. In addition, if you intend to forward it to another data administrator, you may request that personal information be disclosed in a machine-readable format that is generally used. We are obliged to respond within a month to claim your claim regarding such rights. This period may be extended up to two months in some cases. To make a request, please send an e-mail to mastika2009@live.jp.
We will store your personal data for 5 years from the last contact between you and our site. When purchasing our products, this site keeps necessary personal data until the end of the product’s warranty period.
If you confirm your infringement in accordance with GDPR, you reserve the right to appeal to the relevant regulatory agency of the country of residence or the Swedish Data Protection Supervision Bureau (http://www.datainspektionen.se/in-english/) I have.
Third-party web sites and services
This website, products, applications, and services may include links to third party websites, products, and services. We do not assume any responsibility for the contents of such website. We encourage you to obtain information on the third party’s privacy policy.
Transfer to third country
In compliance with the provisions of this policy, this site or other companies in other countries may transfer or access personal data. When transferring to a third country, we will comply with the provisions of Chapter V of GDPR. Where necessary, we will adopt the standard data protection provisions adopted by the European Commission to protect the transfer to third countries.
Privacy policy of third party company using cookie and Web beacon on this site
Google Inc.
Twitter https://help.twitter.com/en/rules-and-policies/update-privacy-policy
Pinterest https://policy.pinterest.com/en/privacy-policy
The content of this policy can be updated without notifying the user.

About administrator

Site: https://fox-walk.com/